• HARD x10
• LOW x30
• MEDIUM x200
• HIGH x1000
• GR Required Items (HOT)
• Stage System (Starter Buffs)
» Class Configuration
• Skill Formulas (HOT)
• PvM Damage
• Leveling Road (Map Requirements)
• Pendants & Rings
• Top Weapons
• Class Quests (2nd, 3rd, Marlon)
• Achievements
» Commands
• Item Info
• Add Stat Points
• Request On/Off
• Mu Helper / Off Helper / Off Level (HOT)
• Set Party / Join Party
• PK Settings / PK Clear
• Marry System
» Other Settings
• VIP System
• PK-Free & Non-PvP areas
• Zen Drop
• Guilds Settings
• Master Skill Tree
• Party EXP & Level Gap (HOT)
• Scroll, Orb, Parchment Drop List
• Expand Inventory & Vault
• Damage & Potions
• 3D Camera & Key Bindings
• Summon (skill for Dark Lord) (HOT)
• Guild Warehouse (HOT)
» Coins, Gold Coins & Cash Shop X
• Coins & Gold Coins (HOT)
• W Coin (C)
• W Coin (P)
• Goblin Points
• Seals (EXP boosters)
• Pets & Rings (EXP boosters)
» Boss & Rewards
• Mini Bosses
• Boss Rewards (HOT)
• Boss Respawn Time
» Events & Rewards
• Event Start Time
• (CS) Castle Siege
• (BC) Blood Castle
• (DS) Devil Square
• (CC) Chaos Castle
• (CW) Crywolf Event
• (IG) Imperial Guardian
• Battle Royale (HOT)
• Happy Hour
• Loren Deep
• Golden Invasion
• Red Dragon Invasion
• Land of Trials (LOT)
• TOP Voter of the Month (HOT)
» Other Events & Rewards
• Cherry Blossom (HOT)
• Lucky Coins
Box of Kundun +1,+2,+3,+4,+5
• Medals, Boxes, Firecrackers, Stars
• Sealed Silver & Golden box
• Chaos Card (Mini, Rare, Gold)
• Lunar Rabbit
» Chaos Machine & Combination Mixes
• 1st Level Wings
• 2nd Level Wings
• 3rd Level Wings
• Horn of Fenrir
• Pets (Dinorant, Dark Raven, Dark Horse)
• Senior Lord Mix
• Tickets (Events)
» Items & Item Upgrade
• Item Level (from +0 till +15)
Excellent Items
• 380 level Items
Ancient Items
Socket Items
• Jewel of Guardian (Pink Option)
• Jewel of Harmony (Yellow Option)
• Socket System (Purple Option)
» Game Client
• Resolutions (Windows & Fullscreen mode)
• Errors, Disconnects & Other issues

Game Client is closing

Problem #1: MU window close if open 2-3 windows
Play with 1 window = ok, when open 2nd window after few seconds both windows closed !

* Razer software turn if off/close (it looks like BOT sometimes, because it has macros software)
Problem #2: Click on "main.exe" and game client after few seconds is closing !
This issue is mostly happening on Windows 10

* Add "main.exe" into Windows DEP (Data Execution Protection)

Data Execution Protection guide (this might help, if game client is closing right when bar is loaded before server list shows up):
1) Open "Control Panel"
2) Click and open "System"
3) Click and open "Advanced system settings"
4) Click on tab "Advanced"
5) Click button "Settings" under section called "Performance"
6) Click on tab "Data Execution Protection"
7) Select second option called "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:"
8) Click button "Add"
9) Navigate to EliteMU S6 E3 Full Client folder and select "main.exe"
10) Click button "Apply" and after that button "OK"
11) Restart your PC
12) After PC is restarted check DEP settings again and make sure "main.exe" is there (if not, add again)

* If you still getting disconnected from server, please check your Windows Firewall / Windows Defender / Anti-Virus settings, more info: Here

Disconnect Server

Can not log in server and already disconnect ?

Try close other MU/game clients, maybe there is some conflict with other game client.
Some 3rd party software can caused disconnect, so try to turn off Windows Firewall + Windows Defender + Anti-Virus + other programms (MU servers) + add EliteMU client to trusted programms (more info: Click Here)

Can not open more MU windows

Can not open 2nd or 3rd MU window ?

Reason: Sometimes game is incorrectly closed, so it's recommended to close game properly with, by pressing buttons: ESC + Exit Game
Solution: Open Task Manager -> under section "Background Processes" find "main" and click "End task" on all of them (don't do this for main which is under App section) and try to close game properly with, by pressing buttons: ESC + Exit Game

Can not see Server List

If you can't see the Server List when Game Client is opened, then you have missing Main.dll or ServerList.bmd file from Game Client folder !

Reason: It happens is because Windows 8+ users the programm Windows Defender (or other) automatically sometimes deletes that file.

1) Turn off Windows Defender !
2) Turn off other Anti-Virus programms (Windows Defender/Firewall) !
3) Re-install Game Client by running "EliteMU S6 E3 Installer.exe" again

Error MSVCP110.DLL

To fix missing MSVCP110.DLL error you need:
1) download and install: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679

* Install x32
* Install x64
* Restart PC

If still not working, then choose your version of Windows to download:
2) download and install: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=17851
3) download and install: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8328

* If you have 32 bit download x86 and install
* If you have 64 bit download x64 and install
* Go to "SysWOW64" folder (C:\Windows\SysWOW64) and delete file "msvcp110.dll" if you have one
* Download this file: Here
* Add that new file into "SysWOW64" folder (C:\Windows\SysWOW64)
* Restart PC

How to Fix Font

If you got some font problems, like some text/messages are not showing up correctly as they should be ( like: ❏❏❏ ), please do:

1) Open Game Client folder and open folder "Settings" and then folder "Fonts"
2) Then click on file "ARIALUNI"
3) Click on "Install"

If it's saying that you already have this font, click "Yes" anyway !

Anti-Virus Deletes GameGuard (GameGuard exception)

* My Anti-Virus Deletes GameGuard

* Add folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\PS Sistemas" to Exceptions to the Windows Firewall