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Rings and Pendants :: Guide & Information

General info:
* Choosing correct rings & pendants might improve your damage and defense in PvP and PvM.

Pendants & Rings for each character
* The Ring: The custom of giving you more defense on an attribute, example: other player with class BK have a wind attribute (on twisting slash) and your character have a Ring of Wind, it will defend you a bit more than if you were having other attribute ring.
* The Pendant: This is exactly the opposite, that is responsible for strengthening an attribute, an example: DL have fire attribute, so it should be empowered with fire attribute, so by having a Pendant of Fire will give a bit more damage than if you did have other attribute pendant.
(We can find different types of attributes for Rings and Pendants)

Rings (Ice, Poison, Fire, Earth, Wind, Magic) possible options:
* Increase max HP +4%
* Increase max Mana +4%
* Damage decrease +4%
* Reflect damage +5%
* Defense success rate +10% (PvM)
* Increase Zen After Hunt +30%

Pendants (Lightning, Ice, Water) possible options:
* Excellent damage rate +10%
* Increase damage +level/20
* Increase wizardry damage +2%
* Increase attacking (wizardry) speed +7
* Increases recovery life after hunting monsters +life/8
* Increases recovery mana after hunting monsters +mana/8

Pendants (Fire, Wind, Ability) possible options:
* Excellent damage rate +10%
* Increase damage +level/20
* Increase damage +2%
* Increase attacking (wizardry) speed +7
* Increases recovery life after hunting monsters +life/8
* Increases recovery mana after hunting monsters +mana/8

[Blade Knight] As we know the most important attribute is the wind (Wind = wind), and if we need defense against other players of the same class, we need a 2x Ring of Wind, but if we want to protect from DL, defense against a fire (Fire = fire) we would need the most recommended way is:
* Pendant: Wind
* Ring 1: Wind
* Ring 2: Wind and Fire (to get protection from classes who provides most damage)

[Soul Master] His attribute is generally used Ice (because of Ice Storm), although some people use the Decay, Inferno or Flame, almost always option for pendant is Pendant of Ice, the assembly of ring can be varied, but always a wind and fire, wth this we say:
* Pendant: Ice
* Ring 1: Fire
* Ring 2: Wind

[Muse Elf] This player generally attribute highlights the Ice (because of Ice Arrow), Elf on the rings using the Fire and Wind, could be something like:
* Pendant: Ice
* Ring 1: Fire
* Ring 2: Wind

[Summoner] This player generally attribute highlights the Lightning (because of Lightning shock and Chain Lightning):
* Pendant: Lightning
* Ring 1: Fire
* Ring 2: Wind and Ice

[Magic Gladiator] Well this player does not have an attribute which is let to stand out. We can use 2 types of pendant: Wind or Ability, could be:
* Pendant: Wind
* Ring 1: Fire
* Ring 2: Fire and Ice

[Dark Lord] The specific attribute is the fire (Fire = fire), so the best jewelry choices would be:
* Pendant: Fire
* Ring 1: Fire
* Ring 2: Wind and Fire (to get protection from classes who provides most damage)

[Rage Fighter] For Dark Side uses Wind attribute (if you focus on Phoenix shot = Earth), could be something like:
* Pendant: Wind
* Ring 1: Fire
* Ring 2: Wind

Rings: it all matters what kind of opponents are against you, so this guide might not be accurate and effective in attackers on you have other skill attributes.