• HARD x10
• LOW x30
• MEDIUM x200
• HIGH x1000
• GR Required Items (HOT)
• Stage System (Starter Buffs)
» Class Configuration
• Skill Formulas (HOT)
• PvM Damage
• Leveling Road (Map Requirements)
• Pendants & Rings
• Top Weapons
• Class Quests (2nd, 3rd, Marlon)
• Achievements
» Commands
• Item Info
• Add Stat Points
• Request On/Off
• Mu Helper / Off Helper / Off Level (HOT)
• Set Party / Join Party
• PK Settings / PK Clear
• Marry System
» Other Settings
• VIP System
• PK-Free & Non-PvP areas
• Zen Drop
• Guilds Settings
• Master Skill Tree
• Party EXP & Level Gap (HOT)
• Scroll, Orb, Parchment Drop List
• Expand Inventory & Vault
• Damage & Potions
• 3D Camera & Key Bindings
• Summon (skill for Dark Lord) (HOT)
• Guild Warehouse (HOT)
» Coins, Gold Coins & Cash Shop X
• Coins & Gold Coins (HOT)
• W Coin (C)
• W Coin (P)
• Goblin Points
• Seals (EXP boosters)
• Pets & Rings (EXP boosters)
» Boss & Rewards
• Mini Bosses
• Boss Rewards (HOT)
• Boss Respawn Time
» Events & Rewards
• Event Start Time
• (CS) Castle Siege
• (BC) Blood Castle
• (DS) Devil Square
• (CC) Chaos Castle
• (CW) Crywolf Event
• (IG) Imperial Guardian
• Battle Royale (HOT)
• Happy Hour
• Loren Deep
• Golden Invasion
• Red Dragon Invasion
• Land of Trials (LOT)
• TOP Voter of the Month (HOT)
» Other Events & Rewards
• Cherry Blossom (HOT)
• Lucky Coins
Box of Kundun +1,+2,+3,+4,+5
• Medals, Boxes, Firecrackers, Stars
• Sealed Silver & Golden box
• Chaos Card (Mini, Rare, Gold)
• Lunar Rabbit
» Chaos Machine & Combination Mixes
• 1st Level Wings
• 2nd Level Wings
• 3rd Level Wings
• Horn of Fenrir
• Pets (Dinorant, Dark Raven, Dark Horse)
• Senior Lord Mix
• Tickets (Events)
» Items & Item Upgrade
• Item Level (from +0 till +15)
Excellent Items
• 380 level Items
Ancient Items
Socket Items
• Jewel of Guardian (Pink Option)
• Jewel of Harmony (Yellow Option)
• Socket System (Purple Option)
» Game Client
• Resolutions (Windows & Fullscreen mode)
• Errors, Disconnects & Other issues

Guilds :: Guide & Information

Minimum Level required to create new Guild
* Guild Create Level = 300

Maximum Guild Members per Guild
* Max Guild Members = 35 (40 = if Guild Master is Dark Lord)

Minimum count of guild members per guild to join alliance
* Alliance Min Guild Members = 5

Maximum count of guilds can join alliance
* Alliance Max Guilds = 1

Guild War
* Command = /war guild_name
* Command Delay time = 1 hour

Assistant Guild Master
* Can accept new members in guild = Yes (enabled)

* Note:
* Guild Master can not delete Guild while owning a Castle or during Castle Siege event or if Guild is already registered to fight
* Guild Master can not create new/delete guild alliance, if your guild is already registered to CS (must do all actions before guild registration)
* When trying to delete or leave guild password will be asked, in this case you must enter your account password

Gens information
* NPC Gens Duprian Steward and NPC Gens Vanert Steward location map: Devias (coordinates: 225, 45)
* To make/join a guild char need to join Gens = Yes (you can not join Gens while you are in party)
* You can not make guild alliance with opposite Gens (both Guilds need to have same Gens)
* You can not enter in guild with opposite Gens (character need to have same Gens as Guild Master)