• HARD x10
• LOW x30
• MEDIUM x200
• HIGH x1000
• GR Required Items (HOT)
• Reset Delay System
• STAGE System (Starter Buffs)
» Class Configuration
• Skill Formulas (HOT)
• PvM Damage
• Leveling Road (Map Requirements)
• Pendants & Rings
• Top Weapons
• Class Quests (2nd, 3rd, Marlon)
• Achievements
» Commands
• Item Info
• Add Stat Points
• Request On/Off
• Mu Helper / Off Level (HOT)
• Set Party / Join Party
• PK Settings / PK Clear
• Marry System
» Other Settings
• Monster & Item Drop Info
• VIP System
• Map Info (PK-Free, Non-PvP areas)
• Zen Drop
• Guilds Settings
• Master Skill Tree
• Party EXP & Level Gap (HOT)
• Scroll, Orb, Parchment Drop List
• Expand Inventory & Vault
• Damage & Potions
• 3D Camera & Key Bindings
• Summon (skill for Dark Lord) (HOT)
• Guild Warehouse (HOT)
» Coins, Gold Coins & Cash Shop X
• Coins & Gold Coins (HOT)
• W Coin (C)
• W Coin (P)
• Goblin Points
• Seals (EXP boosters)
• Pets & Rings (EXP boosters)
» Boss & Rewards
• Mini Bosses
• Boss Rewards (HOT)
• Boss Respawn Time
» Events & Rewards
• Event Start Time
• (CS) Castle Siege
• (BC) Blood Castle
• (DS) Devil Square
• (CC) Chaos Castle
• (CW) Crywolf Event
• (IG) Imperial Guardian
• Doppelganger (Mirror of Dimensions)
• Team vs Team (TvT)
• Battle Royale (HOT)
• Happy Hour
• Loren Deep
Golden Monster
• Red Dragon
• Land of Trials (LOT)
• TOP Voter of the Month (HOT)
» Other Events & Rewards
• Cherry Blossom (HOT)
• Lucky Coins
Box of Kundun +1,+2,+3,+4,+5
• Medals, Boxes, Firecrackers, Stars
• Sealed Silver & Golden box
• Chaos Card (Mini, Rare, Gold)
• Chaos Box (Red, Green)
• Lunar Rabbit
• Pouch of Blessing
• Fire Flame Ghost
• Chaos Goblins (Yellow, Red, Green, Blue)
» Chaos Machine & Combination Mixes
• 1st Level Wings
• 2nd Level Wings
• 3rd Level Wings
• Horn of Fenrir
• Pets (Dinorant, Dark Raven, Dark Horse)
• Senior Lord Mix
• Tickets (Events)
» Items & Item Upgrade
• Item Level (from +0 till +15)
• Unique Jewels
Excellent Items
• 380 level Items
Ancient Items
Socket Items
• Jewel of Guardian (Pink Option)
• Jewel of Harmony (Yellow Option)
• Socket System (Purple Option)
» Game Client
• Anti-Lag options
• Resolutions (Windows & Fullscreen mode)
• Errors, Disconnects & Other issues

PvM Damage :: Guide & Information

General info:

- We have made many tests for every class character, to make appropriate PvM damage (damage to monsters).
- We have balanced them to be as much similar as can, so no OP or nerfed characters.
- Be aware that every character damage builds differently and that why may vary and differ from other class when add more or less points.
- Example if SM damage builds only from Energy, but BK damage builds from mostly Strength, but Energy also gives pretty big extra damage and Mana is necessary as well, so BK need much more points for getting potential max damage as well as other classes like MG, RF, ELF, DL.
- Damage is displayed with max stats (with max possible points as we have limited), but without master skill tree, so some classes, like ELF, SM need master their master buffs - get max master skill tree to gain max effects.
- All listed damage is Critical damage !

! IMPORTANT: What items used on tests:
* 2 level wings+9+luck
* Divine weapon+9+luck / 2x Holy Storm Claw+9+luck (2 weapons for BK, sMG, RF)

MG skill info:
* [PvP] sMG Twisting Slash damage: ~50% less damage than BK (in order to make MG to use its own MG specific skills instead of BK in PvP)
* [PvM] sMG Twisting Slash damage: ~15% less damage than BK (end-game: with 32k STR and 32k ENE)
* [PvM] sMG Twisting Slash damage: ~15% more damage than BK (start/mid-game: with 32k STR and 0 ENE, as MG is lacking helm, no Combo, no buffs, etc.)

BK/sMG Build ratios:
* Twisting Slash (STR:ENE) 10:1
* Power Slash (STR:ENE) 10:1

DL Build ratios:
* Fire Burst, Fire Scream, Chaotic Diseier (STR:ENE) 10:1

RF Build ratios:
* Dark Side, Chain Drive, Killing Blow, Phoenix Shot (STR:VIT) (start-stage = 10:1, early-stage = 5:1, mid-stage = 2:1, end-stage 1:1)
* Dragon Roar, Dragon Slasher (STR:VIT:ENE) 4:1:1

! IMPORTANT:Damage is calculated and configured based on DPS (damage per second) - attack speed, skill attack speed, hits per each hit on skill, and time etc. (so do not look purely only on damage, only on attack speed, or just 1 factor in general)
(These are the best combinations to get the highest damage and killing speed, but some single-target skills (or builds) might give even higher damage)

Tarkan2 - With 1000 stat points - # SKILL # :
* ELF hits 600 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 agi) # Triple Shot #
* SM hits 740 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 ene) # Evil Spirit #
* SUM hits 750 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 ene) # Drain Life #
* BK hits 1300 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* sMG hits 1100 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* eMG hits 620 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 ene) # Evil Spirit #
* DL hits 1865 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 str) # Fire Burst #
* RF hits 1650 critical damage (when stat points are: 1000 str) # Killing Blow #

Tarkan2 - With 10'000 stat points - # SKILL # :
* ELF hits 7500 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 agi) # Multi Shot #
* SM hits 9800 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 ene) # Evil Spirit #
* SUM hits 12900 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 ene) # Lightning Shock #
* SUM hits 14800 critical damage (when stat points ene: 10000 ene) # Lightning Shock # + Berserker buff (regular buff, no ML)
* BK hits 19900 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* sMG hits 19000 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* eMG hits 9900 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 ene) # Evil Spirit #
* DL hits 15900 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Fire Scream #
* RF hits 12400 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Dark Side #

Kanturu1 - With 10'000 stat points - # SKILL # :
* ELF hits 6800 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 agi) # Multi Shot #
* SM hits 10000 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 ene) # Ice Storm #
* SUM deals 12200 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 ene) # Lightning Shock #
* SUM deals 14800 critical damage (when stat points ene: 10000 ene) # Lightning Shock # + Berserker buff (regular buff, no ML)
* BK hits 18000 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* sMG hits 16900 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* eMG hits 9900 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 ene) # Gigantic Storm #
* DL hits 14600 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Fire Scream #
* RF hits 11700 critical damage (when stat points are: 10000 str) # Dark Side #

Kanturu2 - With 32'000 stat points - # SKILL # :
* ELF hits 22500 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 agi) # Multi Shot #
* SM hits 33000 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 ene) # Ice Storm #
* SUM hits 40200 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 ene) # Lightning Shock #
* SUM hits 54500 critical damage (when stat points ene: 32000 ene) # Lightning Shock # + Berserker buff (regular buff, no ML)
* BK hits 62200 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* sMG hits 59400 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 str) # Twisting Slash #
* eMG hits 32400 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 ene) # Gigantic Storm #
* DL hits 47400 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 str) # Fire Scream #
* RF hits 38200 critical damage (when stat points are: 32000 str) # Dark Side #

KanturuRelics - With almost full stats - # SKILL #:
* ELF hits 22500 critical damage (32000 stats, with 6000 str) # Multi Shot #
* ELF hits 31000 critical damage (32000 stats, with 6000 vit) # Multi Shot #
* SM hits 31600 critical damage (32000 stats, with 6000 str) # Ice Storm #
* SUM hits 38650 critical damage (32000 stats, with 6000 str) # Lightning Shock #
* SUM hits 54100 critical damage (32000 stats, with 6000 str) # Lightning Shock # + Berserker buff (regular buff, no ML)
* BK hits 64000 critical damage (32000 stats, with 6000 ene) # Twisting Slash #
* BK hits 87300 critical damage (32000 stats, with 6000 vit) # Twisting Slash #
* sMG hits 57200 critical damage (32000 stats, with 10000 ene) # Twisting Slash #
* sMG hits 63300 critical damage (32000 stats, with 10000 vit) # Twisting Slash #
* eMG hits 30600 critical damage (32000 stats, with 10000 vit) # Gigantic Storm #
* DL hits 48800 critical damage (32000 stats, with 10000 ene) # Fire Scream #
* DL hits 56500 critical damage (32000 stats, with 10000 vit) # Fire Scream #
* RF hits 52200 critical damage (32000 stats, with 10000 ene) # Dark Side #