3rd Level Wings :: Guide & Information
General Info
* There are 7 type of 3rd level wings that can be crafted (including capes) and it can be done in 2 STEPS
* Condor Flame
----- drop location: Balgass Barracks
----- drop location 2: Kalima VII, 2x lower drop rate compared to Barracks
* Condor Shard (collect 5x Condor Shard pieces to craft Condor Flame)
----- drop location 3: Swamp of Peace, same drop rate as Barracks
Condor Feather Combination
* Combinations maximum item +add option = 16 (if more, than rate % will be lower, in other words - do not put more than +add 16)
STEP #1:
* 2nd level wings/cape +9+add (minimum)
* Ancient Item(s) +7+add (minimum, can put multiple items, higher item Durability and Level + more regular and Exc. options = higher % increasement)
* 1x Jewel of Chaos
* 1x Jewel of Creation
* 1x Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x bless - must be in type of Bundle, 10x Stacked won't be accepted)
* 1x Jewel of Soul Bundle (10x souls - must be in type of Bundle, 10x Stacked won't be accepted)
* Up to 12,000,000 Zen (12kk required in inventory, even if combination price is lower)
* Success combination = 1-60% success rate (Condor Feather)
* Failed combination = items burned

Condor Feather
3rd Level Wing Combination
* Combinations maximum item +add option = 16 (if more, than rate % will be lower, in other words - do not put more than +add 16)
Option rates (chance to get wings with options):
* Option +luck = 10% chance
* Excellent option = 5% chance (1 Exc. option maximum, Exc. option is randomly selected)
STEP #2:
* Exc. Item(s) +9+add (minimum, can put multiple items, higher item Durability and Level + more regular and Exc. options = higher % increasement)
* Condor Feather
* Condor Flame
----- drop map: Barracks, Kalima7 (in Kalima 7 map specifically Condor Flame drop is 2x lower than in Barracks)
----- drop rate: 1-3x Condor Flames in +-24 hours (also drops from Chaos Card [Gold])
* 1x Jewel of Chaos
* 1x Jewel of Creation
* 1x Jewel of Bless Bundle (10x bless - must be in type of Bundle, 10x Stacked won't be accepted)
* 1x Jewel of Soul Bundle (10x souls - must be in type of Bundle, 10x Stacked won't be accepted)
* Up to 8,000,000 Zen (8kk required in inventory, even if combination price is lower)
* Success combination = 1-40% success rate (3rd level wings/cape)
* Failed combination = items burned

Wing of Illusion
High Elf

Wing of Eternal
Grand Master

Wing of Storm
Blade Master

Wing of Dimension
Dimension Master

Wing of Ruin
Duel Master

Cape of Emperor
Lord Emperor

Cape of Overrule
Fist Master